An Instrument…

Posted on July 29, 2010


“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace! Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.”

Tomorrow is my last day in Rovieng, the place that has captured my heart and will live on in the wonderful memories that have been made here. As I was leaving the church tonight after dinner, I turned to Lowcrew and said “It so sad, tomorrow is my last day here.” He smiled and said “You must not say that, it is happy. There are children in Phnom Penh for you to teach, and all over the world. I will be here to teach these kids, so its not sad.”

I tried to explain that its still sad but he wouldn’t hear of it. But he does speak the truth in what he says, although I still believe that sadness when not holding us back is ok even helpful. It shows us that a bond has been made, that we have been touched in a special way.

The quote above from Saint Francis of Assisi I think sums up well our role in ministry. So often we take the our work to mean that we are what is important. Its so easy for us to think that the work that we do is invaluable and that it is all about us. We must always remember that we are merely an instrument and made so by God, so that no person can boast.

As these instruments we work against the very things that threaten the nature of God, that bring about injustice and strife. No matter where we go or what we do there will always be be people that need love, hope and joy. There will always be places of darkness where light needs to shine, places of doubt where faith in something higher is needed, and there will always be injuries in need of mending, and pardoning. This is our calling as followers of Christ, as children of God. We can do this from anywhere.

So although, I will be leaving this place soon, my eyes are fixed on the horizon, on what lies ahead. I am confident that by the grace of God my ministry will continue, and I will commit myself to bringing, love, pardon, faith, hope, light and joy into the world. Will you join me?

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